Music Technology & Acoustics

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Subject of study

The overall objectives of the department and its undergraduate programme are to:

  • educate students with the aid of up-to-date supervisory teaching and scientific tools, so that they become competitive in the demanding subject of the department, both in Greece and abroad,
  • elaborate pioneering research in the broader areas of music technology and acoustics.
  • establish links with the society through the development of products and services, which are based on the scientific and technological knowledge gained in the department,
  • establish links with higher-education and research institutions in Greece and abroad as well as the labor market for our graduate students,
  • develop projects for lifelong-education and professional training.

The curriculum of the Department of Acoustics and Music Technology includes the following scientific and technological subjects:

  • The application of modern technologies in recording, analysis, composition, production and management of audio and music information.
  • The science and technology of acoustics.

Upon completion of their studies, graduates possess the necessary scientific background and technological skills, that will enable them to operate professionally in all areas of their studies, within the private and public sector.

The modules of the first semesters enable students to acquire a good grounding in music, physics, mathematics, electronics and informatics. Subsequent semesters include specialization modules, as well as seminars on specific subject areas. Additionally, the program offers modules from the fields of Administration, Finance and Law and Humanistic Studies, which are related to the study program. The last semester is dedicated to the dissertation project and the practical training. The dissertation thesis is elaborated individually or in a group and has to be a creative blend of the subject areas of the department.