Music Technology & Acoustics

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Research Highlights

June 2022
Invited talk by Nektarios Papadogiannis, Title: Efficient Laser Wake Field electron acceleration with chirped intense laser pulses, 48th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics Online Meeting, Maastricht, Netherlands
December 2021
The article: “Petrakis S., Bakarezos M., Tatarakis M., Benis E.P. and Papadogiannis N.A., Electron quantum path control in high harmonic generation via chirp variation of strong laser pulses, Scientific Reports, 11, 23882 (2021)”, has already received significant visibility on Greek websites of scientific and popular content
November 2021
The project Development, parameterization, and commissioning of the environmental noise recording monitoring system in Rethymno (NoiseReth), which is implemented in the Laboratory of Physical Acoustics and Optoacoustics – PAOL, has been characterized by the Mayor of Rethymno, Mr. Georgios Marinakis, as of particular importance for the city of Rethymno. It has a significant impact at a National level, receiving a special promotion in the newspaper TO VIMA
December 2020
Invited talk by Vasilis Dimitriou, Title: Multiphysics simulations of laser-matter interactions using high resolution models at IPPL, 4th BIATRI Workshop (remotely), HiLASE Centre, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
The article “Kaleris, K., Orphanos, Y. Bakarezos, M. Papadogiannis, N. & Mourjopoulos, J. The effect of plasma geometry on the acoustic radiation of laser filaments, Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, Lyon (2020)” presented in the Forum Acusticum International conference (December 2020) was awarded with the European Acoustics Association (EAA) best student paper and presentation Award, sponsored by the Head Genuit Foundation.
September 2020
Invited talk by Nektarios Papadogiannis, Title: Physics of extreme conditions with the use of ultra-high intensity light pulses and related technological applications, 18th Panhellenic Symposium of Greek Society of Physicists, Eretria, Greece
August 2020
The collaboration of Dr Jian Fuh Ong from Extreme Light Infrastructure for Nuclear Physics, (ELI-NP), Romania, and Vasilis Dimitriou, which started within the HPC-Europa3 transnational access resulted in a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoU) between the two Institutes motivated by the need to optimize high-power laser experiments. This is described in the transnational access success story of the Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET)
March 2020
The article: “S. Passalidis, O. Ettlinger, G.S. Hicks, N.P. Dover, Z. Najmudin, E.P. Benis, E. Kaselouris, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis and V. Dimitriou, Hydrodynamic computational modelling and simulations of collisional shockwaves in gas jet targets” High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 8, E7 (2020)” was selected by Editors’ Picks
September 2019
Invited plenary talk by Vasilis Dimitriou, Title: New prospects in multiphysics modeling and simulations of matter dynamics of laser induced solid-to-plasma phase transitions, 27th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies ALT19, Prague, Czech Republic
Invited talk by Nektarios Papadogiannis, Title: Ultrafast-Laser generated nanoacoustic waves and their applications on material diagnosis, 27th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies ALT19, Prague, Czech Republic
August 2019
Invited talk by Nektarios Papadogiannis, Title: High Power laser-plasma secondary sources and their potential in biomedical applications, HELLAS-CH Symposium, University of Ioannina, Greece
May 2019
Invited talk by Nektarios Papadogiannis, Title: Laser Nano-acoustics & Applications, 2nd Intensive Course in Laser Physics, Safety & Applications, Department of Physics, Politechnico di Milano, Italy
November 2018
Invited talk by Nektarios Papadogiannis, Title: Ultrafast Laser generated Rayleigh surface acoustic waves: physics and applications on material diagnosis, International Conference Micro-Nano 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece
August 2018
The article: “E Kaselouris, V Dimitriou, I Fitilis, A Skoulakis, G Koundourakis, EL Clark, Μ Bakarezos, IK Nikolos, NA Papadogiannis, M Tatarakis, The influence of the solid to plasma phase transition on the generation of plasma instabilities, Nature Communications 8, 1713 (2017)”, Impact Factor > 14, was highlighted in the Plasma Physics Collection
December 2017
Invited Talk by Chrisoula Alexandraki, Title: Networked Music Performance in the Context of Folk Music, International Symposium on Computational Ethnomusicological Archiving, Institute of Systematic Musicology, University of Hamburg
Invited talk by Nektarios Papadogiannis, Title: Laser-based holographic interferometry techniques for the study of musical instruments, International Symposium on Computational Ethnomusicological Archiving, University of Hamburg, Germany
August 2017
Invited talk by Nektarios Papadogiannis, Title: Coherent soft X-rays from ultra-intense lasers: the future of nanoscale dynamic imaging, Workshop on Ions for cancer therapy, space research and material science, Organized by CERN, Chania, Greece
June 2015
Invited talk by Nektarios Papadogiannis, Title: Monitoring matter dynamics under ultrafast laser excitation, CECAM Workshop on Multiscale modelling of matter under extreme irradiation, Dublin, Ireland
April 2014
The article: “V. Dimitriou, E. Kaselouris, Y. Orphanos, M. Bakarezos, N. Vainos, M. Tatarakis, and N.A. Papadogiannis, Three dimensional transient behavior of thin films surface under pulsed laser excitation, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, VOL. 103, ART.NO. 114104 (2013)”, was chosen as the article of the month April 2014 in Applied Physics from the International and widely recognized scientific journal Advances in Engineering.
March 2014
Invited talk by Vasilis Dimitriou, Title: Simulations of ns laser matter interactions (the phase change problem), Workshop LMJ-PETAL and COST on Developing the Physics and the Scientific Community for Inertial Confinement Fusion at the time of NIF ignition, Bordeaux, France
January 2014
The article Alexandraki C. and R. Bader. (2014). “Using computer accompaniment to assist networked music performance,” received the Best Poster Award at the International conference  AES 53rd Conference on Semantic Audio which took place in London
February 2012
The article: “E. Bakarezos, V. Vathis, S. Brezas, Y. Orphanos, and N.A. Papadogiannis, Acoustics of the Chelys – An ancient Greek tortoise-shell lyre, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, VOL. 73, PP. 478-483 (2012)”, besides its wide impact in the scientific communicty, was presented in the Greek newspaper  «ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑscience», using a two-page central presentation in  12/02/2012.
December 2012
Prof. Papadogiannis, together with Prof. Tatarakis, were awarded the First National Prize for the year 2012 in Physical Sciences for research into laser-driven hydrogen fusion towards the production of clean energy. The prize was awarded in the framework of the action of Excellence in Higher Education Institutes, and after a selection process by the National Council for Research and Technology (Chairman: Prof. Krimitzis).
June 2010
The research activity in the framework of the HiPER research programme has a significant impact both in Greece and abroad (see, for example, newspaper Eleftherotipia)
December 2009
Invited Talk by Chrisoula Alexandraki, Title: Current Perspectives and Future Trends in Network Music Performance,
Music in the Global Village Conference, Budapest
March 2009
Invited talk by Nektarios Papadogiannis, Title: Ultrafast Lasers at CPPL and their Applications, in Laboratori Nationali di Frascatti, Rome, Italy